Monday, November 15, 2010

Form + Content: Linotype 3rd Design Contest

  • This piece was found on "Graphic Design for the 21st Century"
  • Shown as a sample of Phillipe Apeloig's Work
  • The content of the advertisement is in direct relation to the image. It is showing an advertisement for a Type contest, and as such the designer actually used the type itself to show the idea of the contest.
  • All of the boxes help to create a really great grid structure, as well as create depth within the piece by shearing of portions and sections of words. It allows you eyes to flow across the page and allows continuity to begin to take place to create the rest of the letterforms.
  • He was able to really keep in mind that the contest had to appear appealing, without giving away all of the good stuff. Through using continuity and excellent use of color, depth and legibility was created very well.
  • The type makes the image descriptive. It allows you to understand the concept of the design contest, but leaves many ideas to the imagination just through creativity and some very basic typography.

Photo Batch 5